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Home page > What's good about NetFree
Image Filter
In contrast to all the other filtering services, NetFree checks images in human form, causing minimal errors, this places NetFree in the first place in terms of filtering unsuitable images, while on the other hand, it allows to open many sites that other filtering services, close because of the proliferation of problematic images.
Graphics sites
At graphics sites with NetFree, you will not encounter any problematic images on any page, but only the images you need to see.
Shopping sites
Due to the advanced (human) image filtering system, you can shop at the shopping sites and only the problematic pictures are not displayed, NetFree developed a special technology for the Next site, which replaces the blocked image on the main page with open images from the product page.
Customer Service
The NetFree customer service functions perfectly with NetFree's Support System. Any problem - software that does not work, a site that has not yet been Reviewed, or a video that requires Reviewing; or Anything that requires the attention of the Netfree team - the Support System is the place. The system works in a light and convenient manner, enables direct correspondence with the representatives, and keeps all inquiries in an orderly manner.
The voting page
The Voting page allows Netfree users to express their opinions on priorities in future developments in the NetFree. Each user has 3 votes to vote with and can vote for the topics that are important to him. You can vote more than one vote for the proposal, and you can change the vote at any time. After the idea you have voted on has been implemented, the votes are returned to you and you are entitled to vote again for another proposal. for the voting page Click here.
Support and mutual assistance
There are many volunteers in NetFree, who, although they are not official representatives and do not have access to all the tools, will be able to help you as much as they can and contribute their personal experience, through the guides written on the site, and through the English or Hebrew Forum of NetFree.
NetFree advances with transparency to customers, NetFree explains her rules and details via this wiki, in which the client can predict in advance how the filtering will affect him, which sites will be opened and which sites will be closed in any field, and which sites will be partially open. For example, in NetFree, you can know which sites containing Torah contents are blocked and what the policy of news sites and how the image filtering works in Pinterest and which sites and problems have solutions and which ones do not (yet) have solutions and more.