Uninstalling security certificate in windows operating system

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Sometimes the certificate may also be installed in a problematic location (non-trusted certificates) in the computer account and / or the user, and it must be removed from all locations and reinstalled by using manuel of installing cetificate manualy according to the exact instructions.

Using a removal program

You can use the software provided: NetfeeCertRemoval.zip After downloading, open / extract and run the file that appears. The software automatically deletes all NetFree certificates from the computer.

Delete manually

If the above file is not supported by your operating system, the certificates must be manually deleted:

Deletes the certificates from the Current User account

Type in the search bar in the Start menu or in Run: Certmgr.msc
In the window that opens, open the menu Action > Find certificates, in the search bar, write netfree, Select all the certificates found and click Delete

Delete the certificates from the Local Computer account

Windows 8 or higher:

Type in the search bar in the Start menu or in Run: certlm.msc
In the window that opens, open the menu Action > Find certificates, in the search bar, write netfree, Select all the certificates found and click Delete.

Windows 7 and older versions of Windows:

Type in the search bar in the Start menu or in Run: mmc.exe
In the window that opens, open the menu File > Add/Remove Snap-in, under available Snap-in Applications Select Certificates > select Add > in the window that opens select Computer Account > Next > Local Computer > Finish > OK
In the window that opens, open the menu Action > Find certificates, in the search bar, write netfree, Select all the certificates found and click Delete.

Please note! After you perform these steps, the certificate must be reinstalled, see Installing certificate on computer manualy