Personal filter settings

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The problems of using the Internet are not only exposure to forbidden and problematic content but also the use of the Internet for entertainment and exposure to new worlds that do not fit the Charedi way of life. There is also an issue of internet addiction, in which one can end up wasting hours and hours of precious time. Some users need extensive use of the internet, these users will need all the clean space NetFree allows, but many users do not need all the space, only the categories of sites used for their work. In addition, many users want to limit usage to certain hours. NetFree has therefore created the Personal Filter Settings.

In addition to the option of custom filter settings, there is an option to join special plans which include a discount on the payment to NetFree, see here.

To change these settings go to My Account, and after logging in using username and password, go to filter-settings.

In the "filter-settings" page there are several options where you can define custom settings, when finished, remember to press Save Button or Shift+Ctrl+S to save and apply all changes you have made.

If the device from which you are connected to NetFree is associated with another account, the following text will appear at the top of the page: שים לב, הגדרות סינון אלו לא יחולו על החיבור הנוכחי - משום שהוא אינו משוייך לחשבון זה.

If the account is associated with a particular Kehilla, the Kehilla name and Kehilla supervisor's email address will appear at the top of the page.

Personal Profiles

What is a personal profile and what can it do?

All personal settings are done within a profile, and you can create several profiles. At any time you can run another saved profile. You can also create and delete profiles freely. There is a default profile that cannot be deleted and determines the settings each time there is no other profile activated. You can also set a schedule for the profiles. That is, instead of manually switching, set fixed times for applying a particular profile.

A profile can do many things, including opening and closing the internet by site and by time according to the user's needs, these settings are performed in "Setting a profile for hours and/or days of the week", see below

Setting the rules of what is open and what is closed in your profile

You can set the default profile, this profile will automatically be in effect at any time that there is no other profile in effect, or click on the "+" that is next to the default profile tab, this will open a new profile in another tab, name the new profile, set the new profile with the settings as listed below. If you would like more than one extra profile for other times, then repeat this step.

At the top of the profile, it says "All sites in the system are Opened/Blocked Except the sites listed below"

Clicking on open/closed changes the function, whether everything is open beside the exceptions or everything is closed beside the exceptions. Whatever is decided here, becomes the "default profile status".

Now that we have set up the "default profile status", we can set up the exceptions. Even though we have set up the "default profile status"-all are open or closed, simply, all the exceptions should be the opposite of the "default profile status", but there is still an option to make an exception for each exception in the profile, to be open or closed. The reason for this is if for example, you set the "default profile status" to be open, and an exception for all .com sites to be closed, you can make an exception for that exception that should be open.

There are 2 ways to set a profile: by category or by individual site.

Import & export profiles

You can import and export profiles into a file by clicking the icon ייבוא וייצוא פרופילים.png in the header bar of the filter profiles area. You can also edit the file manually by opening it with a text editor

Setting by the site category

A site category or Tag, is a label that includes all sites of its kind, for example, "Banks" includes all the sites that are banking sites.

Settling conflicts in category settings

Any site that is not in any category which was set in the profile, will get the "default profile status". If the site is listed under open categories AND closed categories, then it goes by vote, If most of the categories that this site is in are set in your profile to be open, then the site will be open, if most of the categories that this site is in are set in your profile to be closed then the site will be closed. If it is a tie, then it falls back to the "default profile status".

Note: Exceptions of individual sites override exceptions of category if a certain tag is set to close, and in Set up addresses you defined a URL that belongs to the same tag as opened, the site will be open, and if the tag is open and the URL is blocked, the site will be blocked.

see also tips & proper usage for categories & address settings

Setting by individual sites

Set up addresses This is if you would like to set specific sites to be open or closed. Each site must begin with the URL, like http:// or https://. To enter a website, enter the URL in the "Set up addresses" field and click "Insert (הכנס)", for example: If you want to block the entire site, enter the address setting field: and click "Insert".

The default "Insert" button adds the main URL of the site, even if in the inclusion field we have entered the address of a particular page, so to block a specific address from a particular site (but leave the rest of the site open), for example,, enter the full address field in the address setting field and click on the arrow mark that appears on the "Insert" button next to the word "Insert", the menu that opens should choose "Insert address (at the beginning/end (הכנס כתובת התחלה/בסוף, see below)"

If you would like all the subdomains of a site to be open/closed as well, then just add a "*" before the domain name. like this:

this will open/close and etc. (You can place the star anywhere else, and then it means "any character that appears here is a match".)

After adding an address we define the status of the address, the transition between the different options is done by clicking the word closed, there are 4 options: 1) Closed, 2) Opened, 3) Prevent addiction = It makes you wait a few seconds before entering the site. 4) Closed at the source (סגור מלכתחילה) = The site will not send any requests to the server and JS and CSS files will not load.

After choosing these settings, remember to click save.

Settling conflicts in individual site settings

In the individual site settings, the deciding factor is the order of the sites. The higher it is on the list, the stronger it is, and it will overcome any contradictions later in the list.

In addition, after adding an address, you can move the address up and down by the arrows on the right side of the address, thereby changing its effect accordingly.

For blocking/opening an address used by a program and the like, you can use Internet traffic recording to examine and locate the exact address to open or block. See the tutorial here: Usage of recording for filter settings.

see also tips & proper usage of tags & address settings

Set up special addresses (NetFree virtual addresses)

To open or block an RDP protocol[1]:

To open or block the Anydesk program:



To open or block TeamViewer:

To open or block IP: a specific port in the TCP protocol[2]:

Instead of the first 4 asterisks, the IP address should be written, and instead of the asterisk after that, the port should be written.

Open / Block by IP Address for HTTP(S) does not work. In HTTP(S) based communication, site opening/blocking occurs only by domain name regardless of server IP.

  1. The RDP protocol is blocked by default and is opened individually by IP address and port number after sending a request with a Web Traffic Recording, this address opens / blocks only IP addresses already configured in the system.
  2. Needless to say, these addresses only open what is already opened by NetFree. It cannot be used to open blocked or undefined IP addresses in the system.

Additional settings

In the personal filter settings, there is a section called "Additional settings". Here we will explain what these settings do.

Upload embedded images for review- Submit to test images embedded within base64 Html or images embedded within PDF or any other file supported by NetFree in the future.

Disable the NetFree-Panel- Will hide from the page the Quick help panel, please note that if you hide the pane the images will not continue to refresh automatically, to hide the panel and continue to refresh automatically, you can use alternate ways, see here

FIlter personal/private content -Will send images from sites that access protected images using a username and password.

Prevent warning for possible corrupted files -In PDF files that are filtered a warning appears that the file may be disturbed, checking this box disables the alert.

Delete unknown search results -Google search results will only show sites that have been reviewed and approved. Unreviewed links will be omitted and instead of the result, ?-?-?-?-?-? will appear.

מחק תוצאות חיפוש שחסומות בפרופיל - Delete search results that are blocked by profile - Google search results will only show sites that are allowed according to Enabled by account settings. Links that are blocked in the account settings (which without this setting appears with a red exclamation mark next to them), as well as links blocked by NetFree (which without this setting appears in the XXXXX), will be completely omitted and in their place will be a ---- ---- mark. This setting also includes the definition of Deleting unknown search results.

Disable Internet traffic recording - Users on your Internet network will not be able to record Internet traffic.

Advanced settings

Set up a custom blocking page, See here for detail.

Setting a profile for hours and/or days of the week

Different profiles can be created for different filtering settings, which will be automatically activated at preset times. For example, you can choose to have profile "X" filter settings that include all predefined settings with all addresses and/or tags and make an exclusion that at certain times profile "Y" should take effect. You can set several profiles to be applied on the days and times that you set them to run.

You can also set several profiles and choose which profile should apply to each Internet connection associated with the account.

How to define a session profile

Select your time zone (you can choose Israeli, New York, Buenos Aires, or London time zone)

By default, if we have not set up activation settings, the "Default Profile" filter settings will apply. But you can change this by selecting a profile in "Choose a profile that will work all the time".

In the next line, we can define which profile will run during the hours when we did not set up a session schedule.

Adding the activation rules is done by the "Add time (הוסף זמן הפעלה)" button, by clicking on the button above we will open a selection field of profiles where we select the profile we want to set to run at certain times. We will define the days when we want the profile to be applied by highlighting the days, And we'll select the hours on those days when the profile will apply.

You can add additional times for hours and/or other days when we want another profile to apply.

When you are done, don't forget to save the settings! So that the settings should be saved, and that the profiles should go into effect, you have to click on "Save" at the top of the page. if there is a separate password for these settings, you will have to enter it at this point.

Locking these settings with a separate password

You can set a separate password for these settings so that not everyone who has access to your account (family or workers) can change these settings. You can also have a friend or relative set a password to prevent changing the settings due to a fleeting desire.

Internet connection associated with the profile

In this area, you can see and control all the Internet connections associated with our account, you can delete your ISP's association with this account [1], and choose an activation profile for each connection associated with the account. You can also set a temporary filter profile (which automatically expires after a preset time) that should apply to a particular connection.

Kehilla Supervision

To meet the needs of many users who wanted their use of the filtered Internet to be monitored, as well as the need for many users not to be able to change their personal filter settings as a result of a momentary impulse, etc., the possibility of Kehilla monitoring of user accounts have been created.

Read more about Kehilla Supervision.

  1. Account associated with the Kehilla only the Kehilla supervisor can disconnect connections from the account.