Installation of certificate in Linux operating system

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Home page > Security certificate > Installation of certificate in Linux operating system ‎‎

Note: WiFree Software that blocks the network when not connected to NetFree is not currently supported on Linux computers. (on the Voting page You can vote for Linux software development).

This script is active in Linux distributions based on Debian, CentOS, Alpine and ArchLinux.

Open the command line,run the following command:

curl -sL | sudo sh


curl -sL | sh

Sometimes the command will fail due to the fact that curl isn't installed, and it will give a message: Command 'curl' not found

To fix this, enter the command:

 sudo sh -c "(apt update && apt install -y curl) || yum install -y curl || apk add curl"

Then re-run the previous command.

It is recommended that you restart the computer after this.

⚠ In order to install the certificate you need root permission.

⚠To use Firefox you must install the security certificate separately. You can also install a certificate for Chrome individually.

See also: Installation of certificate in Chrome browser in Linux, Installation of certificate in Firefox browser.