Installation of certificate in FreeBSD operating system

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Home page > Security certificate > Installation of certificate in FreeBSD operating system ‎‎

Downloading the certificate

To download the certificate, run as root (fetch is base):

fetch -o /usr/local/share/certs/netfree-ca.crt

Installing the certificate

certctl rehash

You can verify that the certificate was added:

certctl list | grep NetFree

If succesfully installed, you can already browse the web with

a browser like links.

Adding the certificate the the root certificate bundle

For different applications (like curl, wget, ...) append the NetFree certificate to the certificate bundle:

cat /usr/local/share/certs/netfree-ca.crt >> /usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt

Installing in FireFox

Follow the tutorial here.

Installing in Thunderbird

Follow the tutorial here.