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Home page > Security certificate > Installation of certificate in ChromeBook
Note: WiFree Software that blocks the network when not connected to NetFree is not currently supported on ChromeBook computers.
The problem
Unlike a regular computer, in order to use ChromeBook, you need to sign in with a Google account or a guest account, when you are connected to NetFree you can not access a Google account because you need to install the security certificate in order to access Google and you can not install the security certificate before entering the account. In a guest account you can install the security certificate, and then everything will work, but when you disconnect from the account everything will be deleted, Guest mode is like incognito browsing in a browser.
There is no solution for this (at least at this stage), but if your Security certificate is installed after you sign in to your Google Account, you can work with NetFree.
Installation instructions
- Download NetFree's certificate from here: http://netfree.link/netfree-ca.crt, please note that you need to be connected to NetFree to download the certificate.
- Open the following address in the browser: chrome://settings/certificates.
- In the Certificate Manager, open the tab Authorities.
- Click the button "Import..." at the bottom of the window.
- Open the folder where you saved the certificate that you downloaded in the step 1.
- Select the certificate you downloaded in the step 1 (If you do not see the certificate, in the File Types filter select all files) and click on Open.
- Check the three boxes and press OK.